The CUYC Committee is organised in the standard yacht club structure of Flag Officers (Commodores), Officers, Skippers and Instructors. By the CUYC Regulations, CUYC Officers are elected for a maximum term of one year, and CUYC Skippers and Instructors sit on the CUYC Committee ex-officio. All CUYC Officers have a vote at meetings.
Click on any of the Officers, Skippers or Instructors to see the current person in that role and their job description.
CUYC elects new officers as needed, usually at the beginning of each term. And we are pretty much always in need of new Committee members! If you are interested in a position (either vacant or filled) in the CUYC Committee then please e-mail the Commodore. Getting involved will give you a chance to work within an enthusiastic and very well organised Committee of one of the most active clubs in Cambridge - and provide you with another excuse to go out regularly.
Commodore Eve Slater Stewart |
Vice-Commodore Sailing
Claudia de Greef Limia |
Vice-Commodore Training
Annabelle Wurmser |
Vice-Commodore Racing
Arthur Lemaire |
Vice-Commodore Operations
Daniel Lloyd-Davies |
Cruising Officer
Lidia Ripoll Sánchez |
Practical Training Officer
vacant |
Racing Officers
vacant |
Edgar Cifuentes Hanna Hawa Alexander Kögel Lidia Ripoll Sánchez |
Social Officers
vacant |
Theory Training Officer
vacant |
Sophia Greaves |
Skipper Development Officer
vacant |
Bethan Morris |
Sabina Kyprios |
Publicity and Sponsorship Officers
vacant |
Website Admins
Joe Dolphin Laurent Michaux Lidia Ripoll Sánchez Philip Sargent |
Chief Instructor Jordan Billiald |
RYA Principal Jordan Billiald |
Senior Treasurer Florian Urmetzer |
Jordan Billiald | Chris Cane | Callum Henderson |
Oliver Beardon | William Eustace | Rob Glew | Hywel Room |
Biography not yet supplied. Commodore Job description: Head of the Club: Overall responsibility for all the activities of CUYC; authorises all activities, finances and external communication on behalf of the Club. Safety: Overall responsibility for ensuring the correct discharge of duty of care and Club safety policy implementation. Committee Chair: Chairs all meetings of CUYC Committee and General Meetings of the Club. Development: Organisation of long-term development plans for the Club. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Hi! I am Claudia, a fifth-year medical student that loves sailing :) Vice-Commodore Sailing Job description: Sailing Section Management: Authorises the activities of all Cruising Officers and ensures they have details of their responsibilities and that they are properly informed and supported in their positions. Management and delegation of tasks to the Cruising Officers. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Biography not yet supplied. Vice-Commodore Racing Job description: Organises all of the Club's Racing Activities; including team selection for BUSA/BUCS Yachting Nationals and Varsity matches; organises racing on Club Boats and promotes Racing through RORC and JOG participation. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Biography not yet supplied. Vice-Commodore Operations Job description: Operations Section Management: Authorises the activities of all Operations Officers and ensures they have details of their responsibilities and that they are properly informed and supported in their positions. Legal: Ensures CUYC obtains and sustains insurance policies appropriate to Club activities. Monitors details of charter agreements. Manages contractual disputes with charterers. Liaises with Club legal contacts. Documentation: Ensures CUYC Regulations, CUYC Crew Register, Safety Policy, Skipper Manual, Agenda and Minutes of Committee Meetings and any other key Club documentation stay up-to-date. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Biography not yet supplied. Vice-Commodore Training Job description: Management and delegation of tasks to the Practical Training Officer and Theory Training Officer. Development and Evaluation of the CUYC Training Scheme and courses run within the scheme. Ensuring compliance with RYA and CUYC standards as set out in the training section of the CUYC Manual and in the RYA regulations. Liaises with Instructors to ensure effective implementation of the Training Programme. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Hi everyone! I'm Edgar Cifuentes, a PhD student in Plant Sciences deeply fascinated by tropical forests and equally passionate about travel. I've been sailing with the club since last year and recently achieved my RYA Day Skipper certification. Now on my way to becoming a RYA Yachtmaster. Looking forward to many more adventures at sea. Hope to see you onboard soon! Purser Job description: Financial management: Processing all payments and receipts for activities and permanent funds. Upon completion of events ensures expenses are collated in liaison with the Event Organiser. Preparing the Budget, Half Year Report and End of Year Summary of Accounts. Membership: Management of membership. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
I have been sailing dinghies since I was a little kid, and got into cruising with CUYC during my undergraduate degree. In addition to assisting CUYC as Secretary, I am also the Welfare Officer so please feel free to reach out if you need help! Secretary Job description: Takes minutes at meeting and handles paperwork and our archives. Elected until: January 2025 Email: |
Biography not yet supplied. Purser Job description: Financial management: Processing all payments and receipts for activities and permanent funds. Upon completion of events ensures expenses are collated in liaison with the Event Organiser. Preparing the Budget, Half Year Report and End of Year Summary of Accounts. Membership: Management of membership. Email: |
Biography not yet supplied. Purser Job description: Financial management: Processing all payments and receipts for activities and permanent funds. Upon completion of events ensures expenses are collated in liaison with the Event Organiser. Preparing the Budget, Half Year Report and End of Year Summary of Accounts. Membership: Management of membership. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
I have been sailing motor-boats and yachts since I was a kid. I joined CUYC in the second year of my PhD and since then I’ve been joining on training and sailing sessions. As the purser and web admin for CUYC I help improving the website and running the finances of the club. Feel free to email me with any questions. Purser Job description: Financial management: Processing all payments and receipts for activities and permanent funds. Upon completion of events ensures expenses are collated in liaison with the Event Organiser. Preparing the Budget, Half Year Report and End of Year Summary of Accounts. Membership: Management of membership. Elected until: January 2025 Email: Cruising Officer Job description: Assists the Vice-Commodore Sailing in the organisation of cruising trips Elected until: January 2026 Email: Website Admin Job description: Database, Website and e-mail lists development and administration. Control and maintenance of style, scripts and code validity. Liaison with SRCF host: ensuring compliance with data regulations and other regulations and maintenance of filespace. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
3rd year HSPS undergraduate. I’ve been sailing on and off since I was little, but really got into it during my gap year. I tried racing with CUYC for the first time and fell in love. Quartermaster Job description: In charge of spares and gear on Kestrel and the club's garage in Cambridge. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Biography not yet supplied. Bosun Job description: Boat maintenance. Preparation of CUYC yachts so that they are ready to be safely sailed when required for CUYC trips. Providing Skippers of CUYC yachts with information to allow them to make safe decisions about sailing. Long-term management of CUYC yachts so that they continue to be safe to sail and retain their value. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
I am a PhD student in Semiconductor Physics. I joined the club in 2013 and became involved in the Club's committee as a Practical Training Officer. I have been actively involved in the Club ever since. My favourite places to sail are in the Mediterranean and of course the east coast of the UK! RYA Principal Job description: Management and delegation of tasks to the Practical Training Officer and Theory Training Officer. Development and Evaluation of the CUY Training Scheme and courses run within the scheme. Ensuring compliance with RYA and CUY standards as set out in the training section of the CUY Manual. Training Programme; ensuring submission of dates to the Vice-Commodore Sailing for all training activities, with regard to the advice given in the Training section of the CUY Manual. Overseeing the editing and expanding the website training section. Management of the RYA Practical and Shorebased training centres. Email: Chief Instructor Job description: The head instructor. Email: |
Though I learned to sail as a teenager out of Ipswich, I got hooked again doing the 2022 CUYC summer programme. Now I have passed my Yachtmaster and so hopefully will be skippering soon. I am a 3rd year PhD student at Sidney Sussex Website Admin Job description: Database, Website and e-mail lists development and administration. Control and maintenance of style, scripts and code validity. Liaison with SRCF host: ensuring compliance with data regulations and other regulations and maintenance of filespace. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
I am an Engineer and enjoy going out sailing when possible. I have been involved with the club for many years and keen to share my passion with others. Website Admin Job description: Database, Website and e-mail lists development and administration. Control and maintenance of style, scripts and code validity. Liaison with SRCF host: ensuring compliance with data regulations and other regulations and maintenance of filespace. Elected until: January 2026 Email: |
Having just come along for the theory course, Philip found himself welcomed in to the club and subjected to intense training whereupon he was rather surprised to discover himself a club skipper. It was probably just so that the white hair did not give rise to any mistaken impression that he was actually competent, that it was safer for all concerned that he did acquire a modicum of expertise. Website Admin Job description: Database, Website and e-mail lists development and administration. Control and maintenance of style, scripts and code validity. Liaison with SRCF host: ensuring compliance with data regulations and other regulations and maintenance of filespace. Elected until: Unelected Email: |
Is working in the Institute for Manufacturing, Dept. Engineering. Being close to the water is in my family’s blood. My family has been in shipping and managing harbours. I actually came to sailing by a need rather than anything else. A local fire brigade needed additional people to fill in a spot to do a sailing licence. So a friend and I have been happy to help out. By friend as a result bought a yacht and we sailed together for years in the Baltic Sea. Senior Treasurer Job description: Senior Treasurer of CUYC. Email: |
Usually found running the wet and windy delivery trips at the start and end of the summer or otherwise fixing things on Skylark (have spent way too much time on that boat!). I instruct in the Solent at the weekend and also working on my own project boat on the side (@yachteliza on insta). |
My day job includes doing research in very cold places on large ships - but I also enjoy slightly warmer sailing in the UK. I finally completed my Yachtmaster Coastal in 2015 and Offshore in 2018, and hope to do a bit more skippering in the future. |
Cruising skipper with a love of distant shores. |
Good friend to the committee and happy to help wherever possible. |
Hi there, I am a former Post-Doc of the Cambridge University and worked there as Virologist/Immunologist. The time with CUYC was of course the best time in Cambridge, and I still try to be active in the CUYC, and help out on week-trips as good as possible even though I am back in Germany now. It always has been, always is and always will be great fun with you guys! |
Yo. I joined the club in December 2015 on their chilly Christmas and New Year trip. I jumped through all the RYA and CUYC hoops and am now a CUYC skipper, getting to take Skylark out whenever I like! That's awesome! Really looking forward to running more trips and doing some exciting things! The type of sailing I like is adventurous - going to crazy places and doing big passages. I really like crazy weather. I was the Commodore of CUYC in 2018 and now help the club out with trips and maintenance. I'm a recent graduate of atmospheric science at King's and I now work as an environmental consultant in the shipping industry - so I sometimes have to travel to pollution incidents without much notice. Grew up on boats and I bloody love the sea! |
I'm a 3nd year PhD student. I joined the club a couple of years ago, having never sailed a yacht before, but absolutely threw myself into it and learned as much as I possibly could. I'm looking forward to leading the club this year and keen to get many more new sailors on board Skylark to introduce them to the sport. |
I've been sailing with CUYC since 2019. Despite growing up in the tropics by the water, I only started sailing here in Cambridge. Who needs the Caribbean when you have Felixstowe??? I love the sea, adventure, and going places you wouldn't normally be able to go. I also love eating so I will likely overstock on food. |
I'm a postdoc @ UCL but living in Cambridge where I did my PhD. I grew up sailing dinghies and yachts so am very happy to lead the CUYC charge on getting as many people out on the water as we can. |
Ahoi! I caught the sailing bug during my studies at St Andrews, when I cruised a Hobie 17 cat and a 420 dinghy up and down (a small stretch of) the East coast of Scotland. I've got into bigger boats when I moved away from living right at the beach, and joined the club in 2016. I've since been on plenty of trips, e.g. as first mate on the Stavanger-Ipswich return trip of the 2017 summer programme, and qualified as Yachtmaster Coastal in 2018 and co-skippered two trips in Finland in 2019. |
In my spare time I teach Economic History at Cambridge. I have been living in Cambridge for a long-time but I grew up between Rome and Venice in Italy. I then moved to the UK for a PhD (Oxford I am afraid) and then got stuck. Fortunately CUYC came to the rescue ... |
Hi, im Jake - a recent engineer graduate from Clare College. I've sailed mostly on the west coast of Wales, but learning to love the east coast of England too. |
Hi, I’m Luke, a Masters in Entrepreneurship student. |
Oliver is hopelessly addicted to sailing, even (and against his better judgement) when it's cold and wet. However he particularly enjoys sailing to remote islands in the summertime and, best of all, playing with helicopters! |
Engineering undergraduate, radio amateur, keen sailor. Mostly a cruising character, occasionally to be found in a dinghy. |
I'm a second year Engineer at Queens'. I've been sailing almost as long as I can remember, starting in dinghies and then moving up on to bigger things. I first got on a yacht during my gap year in 2014 when I was working at Deloitte in London, they have a fantastic sailing club and it really inspired me. Since then I've competed at Cowes week twice and sailed in Sardinia, Gibraltar, Brittany and the UK. |
I did most of my sailing as a teenager and undergraduate, crossing the channel, then Biscay, the Indian Ocean, North Sea and Atlantic. I did my Yachtmaster Ocean at 18 and then arrived at Cambridge and started organising for everyone else to go sailing! Since then I've collected all the instructor tickets and am now more on the sidelines with training, having seen numerous instructors and skippers come after me... So my main job these days is fixing Kestrel and Puffin when all you guys break them.... Perhaps in a few years the boats will finally be up the scratch and I'll have nothing left to do... :-S |